Thursday, June 30, 2011

I've finally come home

George and I are now homeowners! We closed on a house this afternoon, and spent the evening cleaning and moving a few things over. We will probably move over a few weeks, since we have to give 2 months notice on our apartment, and will probably still have this apartment for a while. Having to pay rent and a mortgage is not the best, but it is nice to know we have plenty of time and to be able to be relaxed about moving. :)

It feels so nice to actually have the house! I am excited to be able to decorate more extensively than I have in the past, since we know we will probably be living here more permanently. This is the 4th time we have moved in 3 years of marriage. I am definitely ready to be done moving for a while :) Stay tuned for projects I will be making for the new house!

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Titus Michael

This blog will probably include a lot of references to Titus, since he is the recipient of my attention for most of the day, so I thought I should start out by telling a little bit about him.

 Titus was born on July 31, 2010, at 2:04am. His actual due date was September 10th, but he was born 6 weeks early because my water broke, so the risk of infection was greater than the risk of being born prematurely.  He weighed 4 lb. 4 oz. and was 17 inches long, and he was just the cutest, tiniest baby I have ever seen. Titus spent 19 days in the NICU, where the doctors and nurses took great care of him. We praise God for keeping our tiny baby safe and healthy!

George and I decided to use cloth diapers. I primarily use BumGenius, and I also have a few Fuzzibunz, and I love them both :) Cloth is definitely a commitment, but it saves a lot of money and I think the cloth diapers feel a lot softer and cozier than disposables (thankfully I don't need to use them myself). If anyone has questions about cloth diapering I would be happy to answer them :)

In December we spent time with family and Titus and his cousin Andrew met for the first time! Andrew is about 2 months younger than Titus, which isn't much at all, and we are looking forward to the future when they will hopefully have fun playing together! We took some pictures of our adorable babies, but we couldn't get them to look at each other. Oh babies...

My little hoodlum :) (His eyes kind of look brown in this picture, but they are actually light blue)

 Titus loves bathtime!

Very intent on his cheerios

This smile makes all the sleepless nights and poopy diapers so worthwhile!

And this is how it all begins....

I've been contemplating starting a blog for a while, but am just now jumping into it. This whole thing is a little intimidating to me. There are so many awesome blogs out there already, it is easy to want to measure up to them. But the only way to learn is to do things, to mess up and fix my mistakes. Blogger makes this pretty easy for beginners. I'm not setting out to impress anyone with my stellar photography or amazing graphic design. :)

This blog will be a place for me to share favorite recipes and crafts I am working on. I want to be an encouragement to other young moms (you are welcome to read this even if you aren't young or a mom), so I will also be relating my experiences with Titus, my sweet almost-eleven-month-old. Finally, this will be a place where I can keep friends and family updated on my life. I am planning to delete my Facebook account pretty soon, but I still want to be able to share pictures and updates with people I don't see all the time. And hopefully I'll meet some new people through this endeavor!