Titus is officially a toddler now, although he seems so much older to me. I continue to be amazed at what he is learning, and all the new skills he is acquiring. Titus loves being read to, and he is now at an age where he can sit still and focus for short story books. Some of his favorites are: Goodnight Moon, Russell the Sheep, Sometimes I Pretend, Corduroy, The Snowy Day, and his many puppy books : ) He is learning the names of animals and the sounds they make. Titus is fascinated by all animals, but puppies have a special place in his heart.
At this point, it seems like Titus wants to eat all the time! People are amazed by how much food he can stuff into his tiny little body ; ) I am very blessed that Titus loves all foods. He is not picky in the least : ) Fruit is his favorite snack. He enjoys apples, oranges, bananas, grapes, peaches, watermelon, strawberries, and blueberries. In the picture below, Titus is demonstrating one of his new skills: peeling a clementine!
Titus can be super goofy, and the things he does are hilarious, not only to himself, but to George and I as well. He knows when people think he is funny, and does silly things to get a reaction. And his smiles and giggles are so infectious that everyone around him starts smiling and laughing too : )
Titus is very curious. Sometimes he will just watch kids playing, instead of joining in right away. He watches George and I very carefully, then imitates the things he sees us doing.
Titus still has a lot of fun in his play kitchen. He makes "tea" and "soup" for us, and tries to flip plastic hamburgers in his little frying pan. Sometimes he helps me make real food, but he usually just makes a big mess, so that doesn't happen too often : / I'm excited for the days when we can really cook together in the kitchen!
One of the most exciting parts of Titus getting older, is his improved ability to communicate. Titus can say most words when prompted and has several he uses on a regular basis, including: please, thank you, yes, no, mommy, daddy, more, eat, water. Of course, they are all his own adorable versions of the words. On the whole, he is pretty easy to understand, and I love that he can communicate effectively!
Titus, you are so much fun and such a blessing to our family! Daddy and I thank God every day that He gave you to us. I am praying that you grow up to love God and follow Him with ALL your heart!
Quillow (quilt that folds into a pillow) made by Aunt Sarah as a Christmas present for Titus : ) |